Title: Gracie Girl Author: empressearwig Claim: Robin/Patrick Fandom: General Hospital Theme: 18 - Nightmares Disclaimer: Any character first appearing on the series General Hospital does not belong to me. Any original characters do.
Title: Something Like That Author: empressearwig Claim: Patrick/Robin Fandom: General Hospital Theme: 25 - Stuffed Animal Disclaimer: Any character first appearing on the series General Hospital does not belong to me. All original characters do.
Title: Mr. Bubble Author: empressearwig Claim: Robin/Patrick Fandom: General Hospital Theme: 26 - Blowing Bubbles Disclaimer: Any character first appearing on the series General Hospital does not belong to me. All original characters do.
Title: Snake Eyes Author: empressearwig Claim: Robin/Patrick Fandom: General Hospital Theme: 13 - Pets Disclaimer: Any character first appearing on the series General Hospital does not belong to me.
Title: High School Can Be So Rough Author: empressearwig Claim: Robin/Patrick Fandom: General Hospital Theme: 28 - Slamming Doors Disclaimer: Any character first appearing on the series General Hospital does not belong to me. All original characters do.
Title: Holding Out For a Hero Author: empressearwig Claim: Robin/Patrick Fandom: General Hospital Theme: 7 - Monster Under the Bed Disclaimer: Any character first appearing on the television series General Hospital does not belong to me.
Title: No More Pencils, No More Books Author: empressearwig Claim: Robin/Patrick Fandom: General Hospital Theme: 11 - Teenage Rebellion Disclaimer: Any character first appearing on the series General Hospital does not belong to me.
Title: Sixteen Candles Author: empressearwig Claim: Robin/Patrick Fandom: General Hospital Theme: 10 - Birthday Disclaimer: Any character first appearing on the series General Hospital does not belong to me.
Title: Traveled So Far Author: empressearwig Claim: Robin/Patrick Fandom: General Hospital Theme: 16 - Missed Me Disclaimer: Any character first appearing on GH does not belong to me.
Title: Father Knows Best Author: empressearwig Claim: Robin/Patrick Fandom: General Hospital Theme: 6 - Father/Son Time Disclaimer: Any character first appearing on GH does not belong to me.